Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wildlife: the gift of nature

Do you think gift is precious? If yes, then forest is a true gift by nature.

Recently i noticed that the youngsters are not at all aware of the importance of wild life. For the majority, it is just a spot to make their day out and a place to get some peace and leisure. Well it is not their problem, i guess! The days are becoming more hectic day by day. Students are not even getting time to study what is in their curriculum, through which they will get a degree to make their life. But some people in society really thinks that it is important to understand the concepts of wild life and how it is related to human life.

History of human being says that man started their first society was in a jungle. In that era human was completely depended to the jungle for all resources. For food, clothe, water and shelter, human depended on forest. But later man started cutting down the trees for building shelter and started agriculture. Along with the tendency of man to learn about more and more things, forest got destroyed and civilization grew more bigger. But next to air man needed water. So they concentrated their settlement near a river. Where plenty of water is available and soil is fertile. You may have noticed that almost all giant cities and ancient civilizations are in the banks of some river. Which means that human could not create an artificial river which is one of the most important source for continuity of  life
Well lets start with the river. As you know there are two ends in a river. One is the source and the other is mouth. Source is the place where the river originates and the mouth of river is the place where the river joins the ocean. There are few rivers in Africa that dry up before it reaches the ocean. You all may have noticed that many rivers are originated from a forest. How? There is a complex process where the trees in the dense forest make a cooling effect and make the clouds condense faster due to it, above the forest area. This results the rain. You can always notice that the rain starts from the nearby mountains. Also the clouds will stick around the mountains even if it is not raining. 
The trees in the forest is the natural form of rainwater harvesting. Water through its bark will reach the bottom of the tree and is absorbed by the root. The remaining water will go down under the crest. But some amount of water, when the moist content of soil becomes high, it creates a very small channel and starts flowing towards the steep. These small channels combines together to make streams and thousands of such small stream will make a river. 

Now the question may arise that why do you find water in the well. The water level right below the earth is regulated by the river. Try digging a hole near the bank of a river. You will see water, almost when you reach  the water level of river.  So there is a direct relation between the water level in the well and water level in the river nearby.
 Let us see how wild animals are related to all these. The fauna and flora is very much depended to each other. We have learned the food chain in school days. It starts from a plant and ends with decomposers. But it is a cyclic process. The fauna ensure the life sustainability in the forest. Due to the herbivorous the carnivorous lives and so do the decomposers. all the dead part ( dead animal and excreta) is prime manure for the trees and plants. There are many trees which need the help of birds to for scattering, germinating and depositing their seeds. 
What if some species got extinct?
As i mentioned above, the wild life is entirely depended in the food chain. So if one of the species get extincted, it will result in a great damage to the ecosystem. The result will be affected in many ways. The first damage would be to the animal or bird which prey on the extincted species. They will face great shortage of food, which will lead to their extinction. Another issue is over grazing in the case of animal extinction. Overgrazing could happen when the number of a particular animal will increase while the animal who preyed on them will get extincted. So this overgrazing phenomenon will result in the vegetation loss in a very large scale. So it is so important to keep this system synchronized. No sudden change could be observed. Because these changes will occur like the butterfly effect ( a type of chaos theory).
Let me highlight an example. There was a very friendly bird in Mauritius named Dodo. Those bird got extincted and the people of Mauritius noted that the count of Tambalacoque (dodo tree/calvaria major) an endemic tree to Mauritius is reducing in a great manner. Tambalacoque was a tree in teak family of which the entire Mauritius economy was depended on, during that era. The extinction of Dodo happened in 17th century. But drastic reduction in the count of  Tambalacoque was noted in 21st century. Any how the damaged occurred to the nature is irreversible. 
If anymore species gets extincted then that could result in the additional reduction of time on continuity of life of Human Being in the face of the earth

Please remember that the world you are living now, is something that you owe from your own coming generation. Which means that you are supposed to assure your own coming generations that they will also get the world as you got it to life on. So it is up to us to make sure that they will get as we got it. If possible try to make a positive change instead another species extinction.